Our Services

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Clinic and In Home

Clinic based services are most often necessary when starting services. This allows the learner to come to a neutral setting and begin working and learning, which is often less distracting than in home services. Another advantage are the teaching materials we have in a clinic, and the environment that we have created to replicate: school classrooms, household rooms, and medical offices, so we can start teaching those difficult skills in a controlled environment.

Clinic services are also recommended when working on early learner skills, including communication, so we can provide enough instruction to accomplish our goals. Sometimes this means 20 hours or more a week. This can be accomplished in a clinic setting with multiple technical staff, and on sight supervision from our Behavior Certified Behavior Analysts and Ph.D. level consultants.

In home services are often recommended when the intervention is complete in the clinic, and the next step is to introduce the plan in the environment in which the skills would occur naturally. This is also beneficial if there are situations that cannot be replicated within a clinic environment.


School Based

BCA is available to conduct school consults to help parents evaluate their child's school placement, and provide recommendations for the school or academy on behavioral interventions for our clients. We are also available to conduct regular in school sessions, this can help a struggling child become more successful in this type of environment.


Community Integration

Having the skill set to venture into the community is a pivotal skill that allows individuals a variety of opportunities. At BCA, we provide support and teach in the community to allow learners to function independently, and without limitations.

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Toilet Training

Toilet training is an important skill that has social and hygiene implications. Regardless of age and ability, BCA will help develop a program to increase independence in the bathroom.



From food selectivity to unhealthy portion sizes, BCA can help lead an intervention to a healthier diet and portion control, resulting in better eating habits. Changing feeding habits can improve different aspects of an individuals' life. We focus on critical skills, like feeding, that will lead to life long changes.


Caregiver Training

We believe that caregiver involvement is a critical component to each individual's success. We offer caregiver training sessions so that caregivers have the tools necessary to teach outside of 1:1 ABA sessions.


Daily Living Skills

Becoming independent in daily living skills can lead to more independent living situations and less reliance on others. BCA will work with caregivers to develop an age-appropiate plan to increase each individuals' ability to care for themselves.


Medical Procedures

BCA can help learners tolerate and complete medically necessary examinations and procedures that can have life changing impact. We do this using research proven methods, customized for each individual. We are available to attend medical appointments, or train caregivers so that the individual is successful at appointments.